The insurance space is ultra-competitive. Lots of companies turn to data science and analytics to gain a competitive advantage, but few see the return on investment they expected.


Leverage open-source coding languages such as R and Python.
Many companies in the insurance space rely on irreproducible, proprietary, and costly BI tools or outdated spreadsheets to generate insights. Code is more flexible, agile, and repeatable, leading to a long term analytical advantage.


Unfortunately, most companies don’t know how to navigate the security landscape when turning to open-source, code-based analytics, such as customer data breaches and other 3rd party attacks.


Combine the power of open-source coding languages with an enterprise-ready, world-class toolchain.
The best actuaries and data scientists in the insurance space use a toolchain that integrates seamlessly with existing authentication frameworks. This toolchain meets IT security standards, such as centralized development environments, while enabling access for data scientists to powerful R and Python packages and statistical tools.


The transition to production for models and dashboards is often riddled with problems, resulting in expensive delays on pricing, claims, and reserving projects.


Share results frequently, effectively, and easily to empower your decision makers.
Easily turn your R or Python code and model APIs into decision-driving insights. Then securely deploy dashboards, interactive applications, and automated reports either at the push of a button OR in a custom deployment workflows.

Common questions from Data Scientists in Insurance

Answered by Hadrien Dykiel of RStudio's Customer Success team

When should a data scientist in insurance use RStudio Pro Products?
What data science projects matter most to insurance professionals?
What challenges to data scientists in insurance face?

Liberty Mutual is at the forefront of hiring and developing the best minds in data science. Here is how they equip their data science teams to achieve maximum impact.

  • Popular R packages, including Shiny, R Markdown, and ggplot infused into a production environment, enabling leading-edge data science.
  • With the help of RStudio Workbench, individual data scientists have access to these open-source tools in a commercially supported, scalable server environment that complies with security standards and IT requirements.
  • The result: no more cumbersome BI tools, email attachments, or workbooks. The normal output for data scientists at Liberty Mutual are visually compelling, code-based models and applications that are hugely impactful and completely flexible.

"RStudio gives our individual data scientists access to highly productive tools in a commercially supported, scalable server environment that complies with our security and IT manageability needs.”

- Mike Maloney, ETS Customer Portfolio Manager, Liberty Mutual

Used by leaders at top global insurance companies:

"Ultimately, our core competency is insurance, not software. RStudio Connect allows us to focus on our core business while also enabling us in our business itself."

Ezra Tucker
Director of Data Science, Energetic Insurance

Read Ezra's Story

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Topics we help our insurance customers with:
Model deployment, Reproducible workflows, Using R & Python together, Meeting internal security requirements with code-based data science

Topics we help our insurance customers with:

Validation, Reproducible workflows, FDA Compliance, using R & Python together.